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Fundamentals of Chemistry II (132-CN-65)


Ryan Bethel

Meeting Info

Tech Institute Lecture Room 4: Wed 6:15PM - 9:15PM

Overview of class

Solutions and colligative properties, chemical equilibrium, aqueous solution equilibria, chemical kinetics, metals in chemistry and biology, oxidation-reduction reactions and electrochemistry, special topics in modern chemistry. Must be taken concurrently with CHEM 142-CN General Chemistry Lab 2.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: completion of CHEM 131-CN and CHEM 141-CN (grade of C- or better), or current enrollment in CHEM 131-CN/CHEM 141-CN.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Co-Requisite: Students must also register for CHEM 142-CN. Add both classes (CHEM 142-CN & 132-CN) to the shopping cart and submit together for successful registration. Pre-Requisites: CHEM 131-CN and 141-CN.