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Advanced Stage Directing 04A45 (311-0-20)


Rehearsal Techniques


Sarah Gitenstein

Meeting Info

Wirtz Center STRUB: Fri 10:00AM - 12:50PM

Overview of class

This class builds upon concepts in Best Practices in Directing to help share and apply tools for being confident, collaborative, and constructive during the theatre rehearsal process. The class will involve in-class rehearsals including observing and providing feedback on classmates' approaches to table-work, staging and scene work. Rehearsal time outside of class will be required as well. Best Practices in Directing is not a prerequisite for this course and Rehearsal Techniques will cover some of the basic concepts that are learned in Best Practices.

Class Materials (Required)

Pre-req: Theatre 211

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Pre-Req: Theatre 211