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Topics in Post-Production (378-0-21)




John Otterbacher

Meeting Info

Louis Hall 118: Tues 6:00PM - 8:50PM

Overview of class

This course is designed to take ambitious student film works-in-progress beyond the assembly
or first rough-cut stage to a finished cut that has been shaped by rigorous re-
evaluation. Directors or editors MUST submit the current cut of their film via a password
protected private link (e.g. Vimeo or YouTube) to the instructor via email BEFORE the first week
of classes. This can either be an assembly or rough cut of any length and any genre (e.g.
narrative, documentary, experimental, series, et al). Classes will include: feedback sessions,
test-screenings, editing labs and allowing a section of your work to be re-edited by classmates
as an exercise in order to open the work up to further possibilities. Through readings and
screenings, we will reflect upon editing as an artistic practice and survey current short films
with high-profile distribution to better familiarize students with contemporary curatorial
landscape. Additionally, via labs, you will acquire advanced finishing techniques within
Premiere including: color correction, sound-mixing, titling and effects application so you can
export a "festival screener" from Premiere if necessary.

Class Notes

Twelve spots in this course are reserved for Advanced Directing sequence students. Students interested in one of the three remaining spots should email Production Area Head Spencer Parsons a description of the project you would like to bring to this class to request permission to enroll.

Class Attributes

No Freshmen