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Radio/Television/Film Genre (322-0-20)


Exploitation Cinema


Jeffrey Sconce

Meeting Info

Helmerich Auditorium: Wed 1:00PM - 2:50PM
Annie May Swift Hall 219: Wed 3:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

"Exploitation" is a frequently derogatory term used to describe a long-standing tradition in the cinema, films devoted to topics considered in "bad taste" or sensationalistic by mainstream cinema and culture. This course considers both the history of the exploitation film industry and the changing social, cultural, and political environments that have shaped exploitation cinema and its audiences.

WARNING: Exploitation films are by their very nature sensationalistic and exploitative. Screenings in this class will include audio-visual depictions of material that many might find offensive. Many of these films also violate traditional standards of technical quality in commercial filmmaking and will be viewed for historical significance rather than artistic merit. If you think any of the above considerations might make you reticent to view and discuss this material, please consider taking another course.

Class Attributes

Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area