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Topics in Interactive Media (376-0-22)


Creating Comics & Sequential Art


Mauricio A. Cordero

Meeting Info

Louis Hall 118: Wed 1:00PM - 3:50PM

Overview of class

An applied introduction to comics and sequential art production. Builds skills in developing storylines/plot/narrative/worldbuilding; develop and draw characters, panels, and backgrounds; prepare for print production; and comprehend the basics of sequential language, composition, and layout. Students engage with crucial personal and political issues at stake across a range of comics genres: fiction, biographical, and countercultural. We will explore not just how to create comics, but why we create comics. Graduate students will complete additional assignments.

Learning Objectives

To learn how to create a compelling and original visual narrative that is ready for print production as well as digital distribution.

Teaching Method


Evaluation Method

Attendance, class participation, project, final, research project

Class Materials (Required)

Ink Source (pen & ink, brush pen, microns, etc.) 11"x17" Bristol Board pad, Clip Studio Paint strongly recommended or alternative imaging software (Medibang, Krita, Photoshop, Affinity, etc.)

Class Notes

The use of AI generative art and writing is strictly forbidden for any of the project assignments.