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Topics in Post-Production (378-0-20)


Indie Film + Documentary Marketing/Distribution


Ines Sommer

Meeting Info

Annie May Swift Hall 109: Mon 10:00AM - 12:50PM

Overview of class

What happens after your film is finished? How do you find an audience for your work? Do you need a distributor or can you tackle self-distribution? This course will explore how filmmakers can navigate the many potential pathways and platforms that are available in today's competitive distribution and exhibition landscape. We will discuss marketing, DIY and traditional distribution, festivals, audience engagement, impact producing, and a range of potential outlets (online, broadcast, and cinemas) in order to help students develop an individualized marketing and distribution plan for their own short indie fiction, animation, or documentary project. Students who don't have their own film project can potentially be matched with another filmmaker/film student and develop a plan for their project. Please note: we will not focus on distribution of major commercial releases.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn about the distribution and exhibition phase, allowing them to navigate that landscape more successfully as media makers. They will apply that knowledge to the marketing, festival and distribution strategies for their own short indie and documentary films.

Teaching Method


Evaluation Method

Attendance, Class participation, homework, presentation projects, final, readings, writing assignments

Class Materials (Required)

No costs for materials or text books. Readings will be posted to Canvas.

Class Attributes

No Freshmen

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Students must have completed RTVF 190-0 in order to register for this course (concurrent registration is not allowed) or be a student in Writing: MFA or Documentary Media: MFA programs