Pre-Thesis (553-0-20)
Debra Tolchinsky
Meeting Info
Annie May Swift Hall 109: Thurs 10:00AM - 12:50PM
Overview of class
In this seminar, first-year MFA in Documentary Media students will build the foundation for their thesis project, either a 10-20 min film or an interactive/new media project, completed during their second year of study. Modeled after the pre-production phase for professionally produced documentaries, the course will guide students in developing a written proposal, a verbal pitch, and a pitch deck. Students will generate ideas, delve into research, and explore various methods of approach while learning about funding, thinking about the audience, and considering their potential impact.
If you are still deciding what to focus on, this class will allow you to investigate ideas and do preliminary research. If you already have a firm concept, fabulous! However, feel free to switch gears. Sometimes, we have great ideas but cannot get the necessary access or discover logistical roadblocks. Although a year sounds long, it speeds by, and it is essential to conceptualize a doable project within our limited time. The pressure of creating a thesis can freeze some students up, and for many people, it's impossible to be creative when they can't relax. So, while the learning objective is to clarify and shape your thesis, it is equally about understanding and embracing your creative process.
Completed work products include a written proposal, a verbal pitch, and a pitch deck. In addition, students will share material that inspires/influences their thesis concept and film test footage. Readings and homework assignments are required.
100 total points possible
Spring course aspirations: 5
Initial project idea/s: 5
Share artistic influences: 5
Rough draft project proposal: 5
Test footage/short: 20
Oral pitch and pitch deck: 20
Final project proposal: 20
Showing up, being present, and participating in class activities, and except for an urgent matter/emergency, not using your computer or phone for outside work/activities 20
Grades will be determined according to 50% Showing Up and 50% clarity of vision/ability to communicate that vision.
For our class, Showing Up will entail the following:
1. On-time completion of work
2. Fulfilling the assignment per the parameters described in the syllabus
3. Listening and mindfully responding to feedback if applicable
4. Providing considerate critique to your classmates if applicable
5. Not doing outside work on your computer or your phone
For our class, clarity of vision/ability to communicate that vision will entail the following:
1. Conceptualizing and comprehensively articulating your ideas via writing, talking, or media, depending on the assignment.
Assignments must be turned in on time for full credit. For each day an assignment is late, three points will be deducted. In the case of illness, please provide verification from Searle or a family doctor. If you have problems with your assignments, attendance, or the class, please make an appointment so we can discuss.
Class Materials (Required)
1. You will need a portable hard drive to store your footage, and I recommend at least 1TB for editing. You will also need an additional backup method--I suggest a second portable hard drive (All MFA in Doc students should already be equipped with both).
2. To access RTVF equipment, you must have a $50 Cage deposit on file.
3. Adobe Suite is required (MFAs should already have access). You may choose to use Adobe Express for your Pitch Deck, but up to you.
4. Media projects should be turned in via a private password-protected downloadable link such as Vimeo. (Vimeo starter membership is currently $7 per month billed annually)
5. Reading/viewing assignments will be available on Canvas or in class.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Registration is reserved for Documentary Media MFA Students.
Registration is reserved for Documentary Media MFA Students.