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Special Topics Research Seminar (525-0-26)


Computational Communication Research


Yingdan Lu

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 2378: Mon 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

Digital technologies have prompted communication researchers to utilize massive digital datasets and computational tools for understanding the digital social environment and behaviors. This research seminar provides an overview of major computational methods in social science research, covering techniques for digital data collection, machine learning, large-scale digital data analysis (textual, visual, temporal, and network data), and methods triangulation. Through engagement with key scholarship, hands-on programming tutorials, and project workshops, students will develop a conceptual understanding of computational methods, acquire practical training in integrating computational skills into their research projects, and cultivate a critical perspective on computational communication research. Prerequisites: Basic familiarity with programming (e.g., R, Python), or email instructor for consent.

Class Attributes

Graduate Students Only