Aural Rehabilitation (319-0-1)
Kendra Marks
Meeting Info
Frances Searle Building 2107: Mon, Wed 3:30PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
Principles and practices in rehabilitation of children and adults, including use of sensory aids, counseling, communication remediation (emphasizing speech reading), and auditory training techniques.
Registration Requirements
Introductory-level course; Prerequisite: Student must be currently enrolled or completed CSD 318 to register for this course.
Learning Objectives
1. Describe how normal hearing functions and how hearing loss can impact speech, language, and communication development 2. Describe the communicative, psychosocial and behavioral impact of hearing loss on adults, children, caregivers, and their families 3. Describe the purpose and content of contemporary assessments used to determine the rehabilitative needs of adults and children with impaired hearing. 4. Describe the administration of audiological testing in infants, children and adults 5. Describe assistive technology including hearing aids and cochlear implants used by adults and children to increase access to auditory information 6. Describe contemporary rehabilitative techniques including communication and auditory training used to alleviate the negative impact of impaired hearing and auditory processing disorder
Evaluation Method
Course evaluation will be made based on the following tasks and requirements:
1. Case Study Paper and Presentation (90 points - 50 points written paper, 40 points presentation)
2. Six Weekly assignments that consist of in-class participation (10 points each)
3. Exams (250 points total): Midterm Exam (100 points), & Final Exam (150 points).
Grading Scale:
A 373-400
A- 361-372
B+ 348-360
B 332-347
B- 321-331
C+ 308-320
C 292-307
C- 280-291
D 241-279
F ≤ 240
Class Materials (Required)
Specific readings will be assigned on a topic-by-topic basis and digital copies will be provided by the instructors.
Materials are posted on Canvas.
Class Notes
Examines fundamental principles and practices of clinical management of hearing impairment in adults and children, including use of sensory aids, counseling, assessment and remediation of communication problems.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Student must be currently enrolled or completed CSD 318 to register for this course.