Topics in Communication Sciences and Disorders (469-0-2)
Best Practices Dysphagia Treatment
Bonnie Martin-Harris
Meeting Info
Frances Searle Building 1421: Tues 5:30PM - 8:00PM
Overview of class
Current scientific and professional issues in communication sciences and disorders. Topics vary by offering.
Learning Objectives
1. Identify and anticipate profiles of swallowing impairments by diagnostic categories known to be associated with dysphagia
a. Pulmonary Diseases
b. Head and Neck Cancers
c. Degenerative Neurological Diseases
d. Acute Neurological Conditions
e. Esophageal Diseases
f. Congenital Conditions in Neonates
2. Synthesis evidence toward selection and implementation of best practices for the evaluation and treatment of patients with swallowing disorders
Evaluation Method
Student preparation (assigned reading materials) and participation evidenced by engagement during in-class discussions, completion of lab assignments.
Class Materials (Required)
No course materials required. Digitized video cases will be provided. Students will only need their computers.
Materials are posted on Canvas
Class Notes
Case-based discussions of dysphagic patients with commonly occurring diseases and conditions (head and neck cancer, stroke, progressive neurological diseases, pulmonary disease, and others) will facilitate identification and anticipation of swallowing impairment profiles characteristic of each patient group and application of evidence-based, targeted assessments and interventions. Students will demonstrate competency in the selection of swallowing assessment and treatment methods based on the condition of the patient, nature of impairment, and clinical question. Special assessment and treatment considerations for patients in adult and neonatal intensive care units will be introduced.