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Clinical Methods: Adult Populations (474-0-20)


Leigh Cohen

Meeting Info

2315 Campus Dr Clinic 1620: Tues 9:30AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

Clinical experience in the evaluation and treatment of adult clients. Registration includes assignment to clinical teams, clinical team meetings, and didactic coursework addressing clinical methods with adult clients. Students assessed by clinical performance, team contribution, and didactic performance.

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to do the following: 1. Apply concepts of behavior change to adult treatment 2. Apply strategies for session optimization to adult treatment 3. Apply concepts of functional, client-focused treatment to adult service provision 4. Apply the principles of adult learning to instruct partners and caregivers of adults to implement of strategies and supports in everyday settings and interactions 5. Apply concepts of session planning, data collection, and documentation to adult treatment 6. Apply skills in interpretation, analysis, and synthesis of assessment data to arrive at diagnosis, prognosis, and recommendations in the context of an adult evaluation 7. Apply interviewing and counseling techniques to adult evaluation and treatment 8. Demonstrate skills in the administration and scoring of a core battery of adult assessments 9. Create a comprehensive written report of an assessment and alter report based on service setting 10. Demonstrate cultural awareness and sensitivity when planning for and executing clinical services, interpreting data, and interacting with clients and families 11. Apply self-assessment skills and goals setting behaviors for personal professional development

Evaluation Method

Required Coursework
• The grade earned for CSD 474 will be based on clinical performance, as well as performance in the didactic portion of the course registration.

Group Demonstration x1
• This group assignment will be completed with your diagnostic team.
• You will be asked to provide a thorough demonstration of administration and scoring for 1 selected diagnostic test.
• You will be graded on administration, scoring and class support.

Class Applications x4
• This group assignment allows you as an interdisciplinary team to complete a pre-staffing and analysis of selected diagnostics based on a client profile.

Diagnostic Statement and Reflection x3
• A diagnostic statement in speech therapy describes a patient's participation and limitations and how it relates to their medical diagnosis and impairment.
• This individual assignment provides you an opportunity for participation in a discussion regarding post-staffing.
• This individual assignment will assess your ability to integrate course content, reflect on your own experience, ask questions, and express comments regarding each learning module.

Assessment Guide x1
• Create a 1-page reference (front and back allowed) to support future diagnostic selection.

Class Materials (Required)

Both Texts are the latest version from 2020. The students have already purchased the following text in Fall quarter and will continue to implement required reading for winter and spring sessions.
• Roth, F., & Worthington, C. (2020). Treatment Resource Manual for Speech Language Pathology, 6th edition. Clifton Park, NY: Cengage Learning
• Shipley, K., & McAfee, J. (2020). Assessment in Speech-Language pathology, 6th edition. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning

Resource is on reserve at library
Materials are posted on Canvas
Class allows prior editions of textbook
Students are encouraged to consult alternate vendors (Amazon, book rentals, etc.)