Externship: Clinical Practicum (479-0-20)
William Waller
Meeting Info
Overview of class
Full time supervised practicum in a health-based or other clinical setting, including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities, outpatient facilities, early intervention, private practices, or private schools. Students assessed by clinical performance and setting appropriate professional behaviors and skills.
Registration Requirements
Approval of registration by Program Director
Learning Objectives
1. Perform a wide array of clinical skills as determined by established clinical competencies (V-A; V-B 1 a-g; V-B 2 a-h; V-B 3 a-d)
Evaluation Method
Clinical Practicum Final Grade (70% of total grade for course): Clinical supervisors will use the NUCASLL grading form to assign a numerical grade for clinical performance at mid-quarter and at the end of the quarter (see sample grading form located in the FILES tab on the Canvas course page).
Discussion Boards (25% of grade - 5 pts for each week's discussion): Students will participate in an online discussion for the first half of the term on a weekly basis. Unless otherwise indicated, you will be expected to post one response by 11:59 pm CST on the Wednesday of that week and respond to at least two classmates by 11:59 pm CST by Sunday. A rubric for grading discussions will be posted on Canvas.
In Service Assignment (5% of grade): Students will create an in-service project to share with those registered in CSD 478 and 479. Topic should be jointly determined by student and their clinical instructor. Consultation with Dr. Waller is available if needed.
This registration uses a Pass/No Pass grading system. To help understand how this is determined, please see the below numerical ranges.
PASS - 83.00% or higher
NO PASS - 82.00% or below
Class Materials (Required)
No books required. Materials provided by instructor.
Materials are posted on Canvas.
Class Materials (Suggested)
Materials provided by instructor, no cost to students.