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Vocal Physiology and Pathology (493-0-20)


William Waller

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 1421: Mon, Wed 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

Overview of the anatomy and physiology of voice production. Exploration of diagnosis and management of congenital, acquired, and non-organic disorders of phonation. Emphasis on the integration of normative data, scientific knowledge, and clinical practice.

Registration Requirements

CSD 301, CSD 406 and an acoustic phonetic or physical science course

Learning Objectives

Describe anatomy and physiology of the vocal mechanism. Describe respiration, phonation, resonance and articulation as related to modulation of voice. Describe neurophysiology of respiration, phonation and resonance. Identify measurable variables as related to modulation of voice (acoustic, aerodynamic, perceptual). (ASHA III-B) Describe life span changes including pediatric development of the vocal mechanism and aging influences on respiration, phonation, resonance and articulation (ASHA III-BC). Identify etiologies and describe characteristics of vocal pathologies (benign, malignant, and neuropathologic) including incidence and prevalence. (ASHA III-C) Identify techniques for prevention of voice disorders and promotion of vocal wellness (vocal hygiene, avoiding phonotrauma) in varied clinical, educational and corporate settings. Identify evidence-based treatment approaches and outcomes to voice disorders: behavioral, medical (including pharmacological), surgical, and combination strategies. (ASHA III-D) The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of standards of ethical conduct. (ASHA III-E) The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of processes used in research and the integration of research principles into evidence-based clinical practice. (ASHA III-F) Knowledge of contemporary professional issues related to the management of voice disorders (ASHA III-G)

Evaluation Method

Weekly projects (10 points for each assignment, 70% of final grade), Clinical Voice Digital Notebook (20 points total, 20% of final grade), Final Exam, 10 points (10% of final grade)

Class Materials (Required)

Use discount code ST15 for 15% off if you order through Plural. Books are also available at the NU bookstore.

Sapienze, C. & Ruddy, H. (2022). Voice Disorders (4th ed.). Plural Publishing, Inc.
Copyright © by Plural Publishing, Inc. 2018. All rights reserved. Students are not allowed to distribute printed or electronic copies.

Behrman, A., & Haskell, J. (2019). Exercises for Voice Therapy (3rd ed.). Plural Publishing, Inc.
Copyright © by Plural Publishing, Inc. 2019. All rights reserved. Students are not allowed to distribute printed or electronic copies.

Materials are posted on Canvas
Class allows prior editions of textbook
Students are encouraged to consult alternate vendors (Amazon, book rentals, etc.)

Class Materials (Suggested)

MedBridge (you can use discount code student100 to receive a discount)

Class Attributes

Prerequisites apply, see description