Pathologies of the Auditory System (420-0-20)
Kristine Riley
Nichole Suss
Meeting Info
Frances Searle Building 1483: Wed 5:30PM - 8:10PM
Overview of class
Physiologic abnormalities of the auditory system that result in hearing impairments.
Registration Requirements
Currently enrolled in the Doctor of Audiology program or by instructor permission.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, students will be able to:
• Identify the auditory, facial nerve, and vestibular disorders that arise from alterations in the development of the peripheral systems.
• Identify the difference between syndromic and nonsyndromic hearing loss. Identify the known genetic factors associated with each.
• Identify pharmacologic agents that cause hearing loss and vestibular disorders. Identify the audiological and vestibular profiles associated with this type of toxicity.
• Identify auditory, facial nerve, and/or vestibular pathology based on information from audiological, vestibular and/or medical evaluation. Understand how individuals with these pathologies are audiologically and/or medically managed.
• Discuss relevant research findings in the context of auditory and vestibular pathologies.
Evaluation Method
Exams (mixed format,) worksheets and small group learning collaboration, case presentations
Class Materials (Required)
Musiek, F.E.; Shinn, J.B.; Baran, J.A.; Jones, R.O. (2021). Disorders of the Auditory System, Second Edition. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing. ISBN-10 1635502160; ISBN-13 978-1635502169.
Materials are posted on Canvas (supplemental readings)
Students are encouraged to consult alternate vendors (Amazon, book rentals, etc.)
e chapters may be available through library
Class Notes
The goal of this course is to provide an overview of auditory, facial nerve, and vestibular pathologies. Students will learn about the various disorders of the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear and peripheral vestibular system. For each disorder, the focus will be on the audiological and vestibular clinical manifestations as well as audiological and medical management. Discussion will include auditory embryology and genetic factors associated with hearing loss and vestibular disorders.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Reserved for Doctor of Audiology students only.