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Communication Studies Research Seminar (394-0-3)


Sexuality in the Digital Age


Facundo Nazareno Suenzo

Meeting Info

Frances Searle Building 3417: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

This course explores the relationship between sexuality, technology, and culture. As with many communicative forms throughout history, contemporary technologies in the digital age are increasingly important enablers and mediators of sexual relations in society. The course will cover issues associated with the transformation of dating and hookup culture, sexual commerce, sexual communities, sexting, pornography, and the datafication of intimacy. Class participants will critically analyze digital technology's impact on sexuality, drawing on various disciplinary perspectives such as sociology, psychology, communication, and gender studies. As part of the learning experience, students will be introduced to various techniques and methods of studying technology and produce a final research paper on the topics of interest.

Class Attributes

Department Majors Only

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Reserved for Communication Studies Majors.