School of Communication Senior Seminar (398-0-1)
Television, Film and Mass Media
Pierce Gradone
Meeting Info
Frances Searle Building 2370: Tues 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
This course is a culminating experience designed to help students integrate and synthesize knowledge gained from coursework, internships, research, independent studies, employment, personal experience, and creative and co-curricular activities into portfolios and presentations that showcase wide-ranging career readiness skills. Taught by SoC faculty and EPICS career coaches, the course actively engages SoC alumni, industry leaders and career professionals.
Registration Requirements
Enrollment is restricted to SoC undergraduate juniors and seniors.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1.Construct a dynamic portfolio of projects, career documents, research, performances, or clinical experiences representing the span and culmination of their undergraduate education. 2.Articulate knowledge of industry trends thus enabling them to demonstrate career readiness, professionalism, and to differentiate themselves from the competition. 3.Design an action plan to pursue either full time employment or graduate level education.
Teaching Method
Workshops, interactive lecture/demonstration; active learning.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: PreReq: Reserved for SoC Juniors and Seniors only.