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Crisis Management and Mental Health Issues (475-0-20)


Jeremy Schenk

Meeting Info

Annenberg Hall G02: Tues 6:00PM - 9:00PM

Overview of class

Addressing different crises and mental health issues on university campuses is critical for institutional stakeholders as well as contrasting and integrating what these crises mean for external stakeholders. This course will introduce the concept of crisis (types and stages), the relationship to legal obligations, communication, and the prevalent mental health issues on U.S. campuses. As an individual, as well as a member of the university community, it is important to deconstruct and understand the management of a crisis. Real case studies will be discussed using a crisis response model.

Registration Requirements

Must be enrolled in MS in Higher Education Administration and Policy graduate program or receive special permission from program director.

Class Materials (Required)

Zdziarski, E.L., Dunkel, N.W., & Rollo, J.M. (2021). Campus crisis management: A comprehensive guide for practioners (2nd Edition). New York, NY: Routledge.

Class Notes

Due to Northwestern Monday, final class will be held on Tuesday, June 4.
Classes on Tuesday, April 30 and May 14 will be extended to 9:30pm to accommodate Mental Health First Aid certification.