Research and Analysis III: Analysis, Interpretation and Dissemination (408-0-20)
Lois Trautvetter
1800 Sherman Avenue, Suite 7300
Ellen Meents-DeCaigny
Robert Aaron
Amit Prachand
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall G02: Thurs 6:00PM - 8:30PM
Overview of class
You have now completed two of the three courses that support the Master's Project. By now you have identified and refined a research question, written a literature review and created a plan for data collection. In addition, you have collected, coded, and started to analyze your data. In the third course of the sequence, you will finish data analysis (data summary/data facts), interpretation (weaving together data findings and literature findings), and conclusions; and will pull it all together into a finished master's project.
You will be focusing on the data summary and interpretation of the data you collected with respect to your Master's Project question(s). You will prepare a data summary and interpretation leading to conclusions, implications, and recommendations. You will also prepare an executive summary that includes key information, results, recommendations, and next steps from your master's project that can be shared with targeted audiences to easily disseminate your results. You will present your project to a peer audience and invited guests for discussion (the mode of delivery will be determined at a later date -- stay tuned).
You will continue collaboration with instructors, peers, and other experts. You have already completed data collection and coding by the start of the course; as well as written at least one section of the data summary at the end of 407.
More specifically, 408 will cover the following areas as part of the overall MP course sequence:
Continue to analyze, code, and summarize data - learn to display and reduce data, and write a complete data summary section
Interpret findings and integrate them with the literature review and write an interpretation section
Write the conclusions section
Present research to an audience
Prepare/organize a polished final written copy of MP
Complete an executive summary
Class Materials (Required)
Same required textbooks as Fall & Winter Quarters.