Inclusive Making (309-0-20)
Marcelo Worsley
Meeting Info
University Hall 122: Mon, Wed 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
Excitement for the Maker Movement continues to grow. Part of this growth stems from the idea that Making provides a means for democratization of fabrication and invention. While this is true, in part, the practices and people that are typically included under this brand are limited. In particular, issues of diversity, equity and inclusivity are seldom at the forefront of the design and implementation of Makerspaces, the tools used, or the artifacts created. Hence, the purpose of this course is to bring issues of diversity, equity and inclusivity to the forefront. In particular, the goals of this course are to push students to 1) critically explore Making as a practice that promotes democratization, 2) develop interfaces and activities that allow a broader population of students to participate in digital fabrication and 3) design artifacts that positively impact accessibility and inclusivity. The course will include laboratory portions and projects that encourage students to develop publishable scholarship and/or functional prototypes, as they work in interdisciplinary teams.