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Studies in Organizational Change (306-0-1)


James Spillane

Meeting Info

Annenberg Hall G02: Wed 9:30AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

Studies in Organizational Change is an advanced course in the Learning & Organizational Change major designed to introduce students to key constructs and ideas about change in organizations. The class is organized as follows: We will begin with a discussion of the notion of change in general and organizational change in particular. We will then examine organizations and specific cases of organizational change through several different analytic lenses. While applying these different analytic lenses, we will attend to change processes occurring at four different levels of analysis identified by scholars of organizational change: individual, group, organization, and institution. We will also examine the ways in which different lenses shed light on particular levers or resources for organizational change. Throughout the course, students will be given opportunities to apply course constructs to particular cases of organizational change of interest to them.

Learning Objectives

Read, critically analyze, and discuss research on organizational change
Apply ideas from research to cases of organizational change, including your own life and in organizations of interest to you
Build skills to study, understand, and enact organizational change
Collaborate and share your experiences, perspectives and expertise with classmates