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Selected Topics (435-0-2)


Music Enculturation


Ludger Clayton Dahm

Meeting Info

RCMA Lower Level 111: Tues 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

The study of music as part of the processes of socialization and enculturation within
families and communities. With readings from ethnomusicology to conceptualize the teaching and learning of music broadly, emphasis will be given to an array of global musical cultures.

Registration Requirements

Graduate student or upper-level standing undergraduates.

Learning Objectives

● To understand musicality and its cross-cultural human characteristics that develop from infancy through the childhood years.
● To give attention to the music of a diversity of musical cultures, and to understand how musical identities are seeded in childhood.
● To develop a personal and global perspective of the role music plays in enculturation, socialization, and development.

Teaching Method

Readings, Discussion, Research

Evaluation Method

Marked progress on course objectives and a final project.

Class Materials (Required)

Blacking, J. (1973). How musical is man? University of Washington Press. ISBN: 0295953381 ($20 paperback or free online via NU library)

Small, C. (1998). Musicking: The Meanings of Performing and Listening. Wesleyan University Press. ISBN: 9780819522573 ($25 paperback)