Curriculum Development in Music Education (422-0-1)
Ludger Clayton Dahm
Meeting Info
RCMA 1-164: Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
The purpose of this course is to examine curriculum issues in contemporary music education and to engage in the process of curriculum development. We will consider past, present, and future trends in curriculum; reform efforts in general education and music education; and critical component areas of learning goals, sequence, and assessment.
Registration Requirements
Graduate student or upper-level standing undergraduates.
Learning Objectives
This course is designed to enable you to:
• Develop an awareness of current issues in music education curriculum development
• Develop an awareness of current reform issues and practices in general education
• Develop a reflective and critical perspective about curricula that informs curricular development and change
Teaching Method
Readings, Discussion, Curriculum Development, Research
Evaluation Method
Marked progress on course objectives and a final project.
Class Materials (Required)
Dewey, J. (2011). The School and Society, and The Child and the Curriculum. Seven Treasures Publications. ISBN 9781440463518 ($15 paperback) Both works are freely available online as they are in the public domain.