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Keyboard Skills 3 (127-3-4)


Susan Osborn

Meeting Info

RCMA 4-138 Keyboard Lab: Tues, Thurs 10:00AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

Technique, Reading, Ensemble, Creative work, Transposition, Harmonizing melodies, Repertoire

Registration Requirements

Permission number

Learning Objectives

2-octave scales, Seventh chords, Modes, Repertoire, How to bring a basic harmonization to a creative arrangement, Healthful technique, Sight reading.

Teaching Method

Lab course (Electronic keyboard lab). Individual and group instruction.

Evaluation Method

Quizzes, exams, performance, improvement, attitude, attendance.

Class Materials (Required)

Keyboard Strategies Master Text 1 by Stecher and Horowitz published by G. Schirmer. ISBN 978-0793552917. $32.00