Heat Transfer (377-0-20)
Kyoo-Chul Park
Technological Institute, Rm L491, 2145 Sheridan Rd, EV CAMPUS
Meeting Info
Technological Institute M164: Mon, Wed, Fri 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Overview of class
Fundamentals of heat transfer by conduction, convection, radiation. Steady and transient heat conduction in solids. Forced and free convection in fluids. properties of thermal radiation. Radiation heat transfer between solids. Solar radiation.
Registration Requirements
Teaching Method
Topics include:
Introduction to the modes of heat transfer in design and analysis
Analytical methods for one-dimensional steady-state problems
Analytical methods for one-dimensional transient heat transfer
Numerical methods for multidimensional steady state and transient problems
Heat transfer coefficients for forced and natural convection
Radiation heat transfer
Evaluation Method
Project: using a finite element code
Class Materials (Required)
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, T. L. Bergmann, A. S. Lavine, F. P. Incropera, D. P. DeWitt, 8th edition, Wiley, ISBN 978-1-119-65841-2