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Engineering Entrepreneurship (325-0-1)


Sonia Kim

Lisa Dhar

Meeting Info

Ford ITW Auditorium 1350: Mon 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

This experiential class is a capstone option for the undergraduate minor in entrepreneurship, and it will also be of interest to graduate students in engineering fields. The goal of the class is to introduce students to innovation-driven entrepreneurship, a process whereby emergent technology serves as the catalyst for new venture formation. In partnership with Northwestern's Innovation and New Ventures Office, this class challenges student teams to develop strategies for commercializing cutting-edge technologies.

While the area of focus for the fall 2022 section is still being determined, the general model will remain the same: the technological innovations that anchor student projects will be sourced from labs at Northwestern.

Registration Requirements

ENTREP 330 is a pre-requisite for this course, but students can request to have the pre-requisite waived by writing to

Learning Objectives

To learn and be able to apply the lean startup concepts and customer discovery concepts to a specific vertical. To be able to develop a business model canvas and a pitch deck and to be able to deliver said pitch deck in a compelling way for investors

Class Materials (Required)

A case pack from Harvard Business Review is required for this course and must be purchased; information will be provided via Canvas.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: ENTREP 330-1 is a prerequisite to enrollment in this course.