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Special Topics (395-0-3)


Becoming the leader you want to be


Jen Baker

Meeting Info

Ford ITW Auditorium 1350: Mon, Wed 12:30PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

When creating a new product, design, or experience, we have to be curious and brave - with ourselves and with our team. To become a thoughtful and creative leader, we need to form connection with others and build strong relationships built on trust and belonging. Once these relationships have been formed, we progress into using empathy and strategic communication to continue to grow our own personal leadership and foster the strengths in each of our team members. This course will examine how communication and relationships are the foundation of leadership, and how we can be influential and ethical when leading others and ourselves toward state-of-the-art discovery and development.

Registration Requirements


Class Materials (Required)

Most materials will be on Canvas. There is the possibility of additional books required, but the total amount would not be over $50. (Books TBD)