Income Taxation of Trusts and Estates (655-1)
Brian T. Whitlock
Office Hours: Upon request
Meeting Info
Rubloff Building 339: Wed 8:00AM - 9:50AM
Overview of class
This is a multi-dimensional graduate level course covering topics such as: Fiduciary Accounting Income, Estate and Trust Administration, and Fiduciary Income Taxation. The primary text will be supplemented with other materials and lecture will be offered to cover the balance of the topics. The class will be taught by working through lecture, problems, and case studies.
Learning Objectives
Understand differences between fiduciary accounting income, trust taxable income and distributable net income.
Evaluation Method
90% Final; 5% Fiduciary Accounting Project; 5% Private Letter Ruling Writing Assignment
Class Materials (Required)
M. Carr Ferguson and Mark L. Ascher, Federal Income Taxation of Estates, Trusts & Beneficiaries (Fourth Edition, 2023 Update) Wolters Kluwer.
Class Materials (Suggested)
Statutes and Regulations, when noted; Cases and Rulings, when noted, supplemental readings as desired.
Class Attributes
JD Students May Enroll Only During Add/Drop
Family Law Practice Area in course
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Basic Tax OR LLM Tax