The Legal Profession: Careers of Law Graduates (726-1)
Carole Silver
Meeting Info
Rubloff Building 175: Mon, Tues, Wed 1:30PM - 2:25PM
Overview of class
This course explores the careers and career trajectories of law graduates, drawing from empirical research, socio-legal theories, news from the legal and popular press, existing case studies and those taking the form of in-class interviews with law graduates. The questions we will address over the course of the semester include first post-graduation jobs and their connection to long-term career opportunities, navigating change during a career, and differences related to identity.
Class Materials (Required)
Nelson, Dinovitzer, Garth, Sterling, Wilkins, Dawe and Michelson, The Making of Lawyers' Careers (2023) and materials posted on Canvas
Class Attributes
Open to First Year Students
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: MSL Students are not eligible to enroll