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The Regulation of Money in Politics (775-1)


Michael S. Kang

Meeting Info

McCormick 375 - Smith Hall: Thurs 4:30PM - 6:20PM

Overview of class

This seminar explores the cutting-edge issues in the regulation of money in politics and government. The readings are devoted to different perspectives on the current controversies in the field. The goals of the seminar are development of your understanding of the emerging law and regulation of money in politics, exposing you to some of the best scholarship in the field, and improving your ability to evaluate and critique legal scholarship. The readings explore several controversies in the field, rather than offer an intellectual history of the field. Although helpful, the Election Law course is not at all a prerequisite for taking this seminar.

Class Materials (Required)

Readings will be provided on Canvas

Class Attributes

Satisfies Research Writing degree req