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Special Topics (490-0-21)


Architecting Brands


Christopher Cancilla

Meeting Info

McCormick Foundation Ctr 3119: Thurs 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

Architecting Brands — Building beautifully integrated brands requires more than just marketing thinking. It requires architectural thinking. Specifically, thinking with purpose, in context, and with people's needs always front of mind. In this course we will study how to architect the perfectly integrated brand. We'll start by understanding the power of brand purpose and how it's the foundation to driving long-term brand consistency and relevance. We'll reframe brands as living entities that act in real time. We'll create "big ideas" and discover how the best ones become the springboard to seamless integration. We'll study how to design and deploy an idea across a connected consumer journey. And along the way, we'll be putting all of these principles into practice - with hands-on exercises, workshops and projects that ultimately lead to architecting a fully integrated brand and campaign idea.

Class Materials (Required)


Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: PreReq: IMC 420: Brand Management Foundations