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Media Insight Strategy (451-0-20)


Judy Franks

Meeting Info

Fisk Hall 115: Tues, Thurs 12:00PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

Media Insight Strategy will immerse students in the study of media consumption as a means of uncovering Consumer Insight at the individual, community, and mass/cultural level. The course will introduce students to contemporary theories and corresponding strategies related to identifying and valuing media audiences and how to reach/engage them across paid, owned, and earned media channels. Media Insight and Strategy balances theory with practice: students will study the theoretical foundations for various approaches to media and message allocation, while also having an opportunity to apply various theoretical constructs to case analysis and a final project. Students will also gain exposure to the fields of Account Planning and Communications Planning where the course subject matter is most readily applied in the field.

Class Materials (Required)


Class Materials (Suggested)

IMC Full Time Students Only; Prereq: IMC 450

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: PreReq: IMC 450: Media Foundations