Applied Bayesian Inference (457-0-20)
Martin Tanner
2006 Sheridan Road
Meeting Info
STAT Sem Rm B02 - 2006 Sher: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to a variety of computational algorithms for Bayesian inference. Two types of methods are considered in detail: observed data and data augmentation methods. The observed data methods are applied directly to the likelihood or to the posterior density. These include: Newton- Raphson, Laplace's method, Monte Carlo and Metropolis methods. The data augmentation methods rely on an augmentation of the data which simplifies the likelihood or posterior density. These include: EM, Data Augmentation, Poor Man's Data Augmentation and the Gibbs sampler. All methods are motivated and illustrated with real examples.
Registration Requirements
Stat 420-1,2,3 are prerequisites
Learning Objectives
This course provides the student with a good introduction to Bayesian inference, the ability to read application papers, and the ability to apply these methods to problems of interest to the student. Students understand at a heuristic level how the methods work and when a given method may be preferred over another.
Teaching Method
Evaluation Method
Weekly homeworks
Class Materials (Required)
Tools for Statistical Inference: Methods for the Exploration of Posterior Distributions and Likelihood Functions by M. Tanner THIRD EDITION ONLY required
Bayesian Methods by Jeff Gill THIRD EDITION ONLY recommended
Class Materials (Suggested)
Bayesian Statistical Methods by Brian J. Reich, Sujit K. Ghosh
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites: STAT 350-0 and STAT 420-1 and STAT 420-2 and STAT 420-3 or equivalent or students who have earned a Master’s degree in Statistics or permission of the instructor
Add Consent: Instructor Consent Required