Probability and Statistics for ISP (383-0-20)
Thomas Severini
2006 Sheridan Road/Room 305/Department of Statistics
Meeting Info
ISP Sem Rm 203 - 616 Noyes St: Mon, Wed, Fri 1:00PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
An introduction to probability and statistics, emphasizing scientific examples and applications. Topics covered include probability functions, random variables, expectation and variance, basic limit theorems, parameter estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, linear and non-linear regression.
Registration Requirements
Ordinarily taken only by students in ISP; special permission required otherwise. Prerequisites: MATH 281-1,2,3; PHYSICS 125-1,2,3 Students may not receive credit for both 383 and any of 320-1; MATH 310-1, 383, 385; or EECS 302.
Learning Objectives
The basics of probability theory, statistical inference, and data analysis.
Evaluation Method
Grades will be based on weekly homework assignments, two in-class exams, and a take-home final assignment.
Class Materials (Required)
Course notes, which will be provided.
Class Attributes
Formal Studies Distro Area
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: ISP Majors
Associated Classes
DIS - ISP Sem Rm 203 - 616 Noyes St: Tues 1:00PM - 1:50PM