Topics in Latin American, Latina and Latino, and/or Iberian Cultures (395-0-3)
Contemporary Latin American Amerindian Practices a
Florencia Garramuno
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 2-420: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
Contemporary Latin American Amerindian Practices and Epistemologies
In some contemporary Latin American practices, Amerindian inspiration and knowledge are powerful materials that multiply the possibilities of contemporary art and writing. By bringing up other genealogies with the recourse to their ancestral knowledge and practices, they pluralize the pasts of Latin American culture, its legacies, but also, I would like to suggest, the forms, materials, and repertoires of what we understand today as contemporary art and writing in Latin America. This course proposes to think about the relationship between ancestral knowledge and poetics (ways of doing) in contemporary Amerindian practices, how these poetics are inscribed in the present, and the influence and inspiration they have brought into contemporary Latin American culture. Prerequisite: 1 course from SPANISH 250-0, SPANISH 251-0, SPANISH 260-0, or SPANISH 261-0.
Class Materials (Required)
- Mary Louise Pratt, Planetary Longings. Durham, Duke University Press, 2022. ISBN 9781478018292 (paperback)
- James Clifford, Returns. Becoming Indigenous in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, Harvard University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-674-72492-1
- Elicura Chiauiliaf. Confidential message to Chileans. Santiago, LOM, 1999. ISBN 956-282-208-7
- Jaime Luis Huenún. Mandelstam Street and other apocryphal territories. ISBN: 9789562891424
- Daniela Catrileo. Florid War. Santiago, Del aire, 2018. ISBN: 978-956-9038-34-1
- Elvira Hernandez. State of siege. Santiago, Universidad Diego Portales. ISBN: 978-956-314-475-8
- Seba Calfuqueo. Available in
- Cecilia Vicuña. Triangulena Spin Spin. Available in
- Dani Zelko. The dream of sound. Available in
- Liliana Ancalao. Rokiñ. Provisions for the trip. El Bolsón, Espacio Hudson, 2020. ISBN. 9789871904822.
- Sheroanawe Hakiiwe, All This Is Us. São Paulo, Museu de Arte de São Paulo/kmec books, 2024. ISBN 9786557770405
- Edited with text by Adriano Pedrosa, André Mesquita, David Ribeiro. Text by Catalina Lozano Moreno, Trudruá Dorrico, Noraeden Mora Mende
- Mónica Millán. Baroque Aó Po'i. Available in aleria-1-barroco-ao-poi?sort=partner_show_position
Class Attributes
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: 1 course from SPANISH 250-0, SPANISH 251-0, SPANISH 260-0, or SPANISH 261-0