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Advanced Seminar in Personality, Clinical, or Social Psychology (390-0-1)


Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology


Sara Cantonia Broaders
Swift 243, 2029 Sheridan Road

Meeting Info

Swift Hall 210: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

We will explore a number of practices, beliefs, and diagnoses related to clinical psychology, some of which have a sound scientific basis and some of which are pseudoscience. One of our primary goals will be to understand the difference between these two categories of practices/beliefs and the foundations upon which they rest. Among the topics we may cover are: Various specific models of therapy (e.g. CBT, Client-centered therapy, psychoanalysis); Trigger warnings; EMDR; Hypnosis; Dissociative identity disorder; Forensic interview practices; Forensic assessment measures; Projective personality tests; Recovered memories and theories of repression; Facilitated communication for people with autism; Attachment therapy; Treatment of Anti-Social Personality Disorder; Treatments for antisocial youth; Dream interpretation; Regression therapy; Biological treatments for depression; Conversion disorders and their treatment; Flow and creativity; Assessment of future risk.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: Psych 205 - Research Methods (required) AND Psych 303 - Psychopathology (strongly recommended)

Teaching Method

Discussion-based seminar, some very short lectures, films, group presentations

Evaluation Method

Grades will be based on weekly written assignments, class participation, leading a class discussion, an annotated bibliography on a class topic, and a final paper consisting of a literature review and research proposal (~15 pages).

Class Materials (Required)

In addition to the required book, we will have articles and chapters from a variety of other sources that will be available through the Canvas course management system. The required book will be:
• Lilienfeld, S.O., Lynn, S.J., & Lohr, J.M. (2015). Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology, 2nd edition. Guilford Press. ISBN: 978-1-4625-1789-3

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Prerequisites apply, see description
No Freshmen

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Reserved for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors from every undergraduate school only. First year students need permission to enroll into the course. Prerequisite: Students must complete Psych 205-0 before taking this course.