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Research Methods in Psychology (205-0-23)


Almaz Mesghina

Meeting Info

Annenberg Hall G30: Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

What does psychology look like in practice? How does one uncover psychological phenomena? What are the controversies in the field of psychology, and how might we as researchers overcome them? This course covers the how of psychological research. Scaffolded by the scientific method and informed by contemporary challenges and controversies in the field of psychology, we will work in small research teams to empirically investigate a psychological topic of interest from start to finish. This includes brainstorming a study, conducting a literature review, designing an experiment, considering the ethical constraints, recruiting participants and collecting data, analyzing said data, and writing up and disseminating the findings. In the first part of the class, we will complete two mini research projects before jumping into our own independent research projects for the latter half of the class. The entire class is project-oriented and hands-on, and feedback and support are provided at every step. As we engage in our research projects, we will also become acquainted with psychological research issues and controversies in the field. Our class design will mirror the format of most psychology labs, as we will be expected to (and will be evaluated on our capacity to) work collaboratively and communicate with our research teams. Moreover, our major class assignments-including the APA research papers and conference presentation-are all part and parcel of the everyday work of a psychology researcher.

Registration Requirements

Students must have taken PSYCH 201 or an approved substitute before enrolling in PSYCH 205. Students with AP credit for STAT 202 or AP credit for STAT 210 need to contact about permission to enroll, because CAESAR does not automatically accept that as the prerequisite.

Please see the department website for more information.

Class Materials (Required)

Course readings may include some journal articles and podcasts in addition to the open-source textbook: Research Methods in Psychology, 4th edition (ISBN 13: 9781999198107).

Class Attributes

Advanced Expression
Empirical and Deductive Reasoning Foundational Dis
Formal Studies Distro Area
Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Prerequisites apply, see description

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: REQ: To register, students must have completed PSYCH 201 with a C- or higher, STAT 202 with a B or higher, Stat 210 with a B or higher, or have AP credit (score of 5) for STAT 202.