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Elementary Polish (108-2-1)


Michal Wilczewski
1880 Campus Drive

Meeting Info

Kresge 3364 Slavic Seminar Rm: Mon, Wed, Fri 1:00PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

This course is the second in a three-quarter sequence introducing students to Polish language and contemporary culture. We continue to learn the basic grammar of Polish and students progress in speaking, listening, writing, and reading through a variety of communicative, content-based activities in a proficiency-orientated curriculum. Emphasis is placed on practical communication so that students should be able to function at a basic level in several authentic situations by the end of the year.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, will be able to function at the novice-mid to novice-high ACTFL proficiency level in Polish.

Class Materials (Required)

"Małgorzata Małolepsza, Aneta Szymkiewicz. HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 1 Podręcznik studenta. Nowa Edycja. ISBN: 978-83-963530-6-1

Małgorzata Małolepsza, Aneta Szymkiewicz. HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 1 Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Nowa Edycja. ISBN: 978-83-963530-7-8"