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Advanced Physics Laboratory (360-0-1)


Michelle Millan Driscoll

Meeting Info

Technological Institute F281: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Technological Institute F246: Tues, Thurs 3:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

The three-hour time slot of the course will be divided between lab sessions and lectures. At the beginning of the course, the lecture period will be used for lectures on statistical data analysis. Following this, the course time will largely be a lab session, except for one session per experiment in which the students will give presentations. Each student is to complete three experiments during the course, and students will work together in pairs or small groups to complete the experimental work. A lab report will be required for each experiment, and these reports will be written in the style of a journal article.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: 239-0 Modern Physics

Learning Objectives

Students will learn to give technical presentations, write reports in the style of journal articles, and do basic statistical data analysis while performing experiments in modern physics including nuclear and particle physics, atomic physics, quantum physics, condensed matter physics, and nonlinear dynamics.

Teaching Method

Classes begin with one-hour lectures on statistical data analysis for the first part of the course, and with student presentations on the theory behind the experiments in the lab for the second part of the course. A three hour lab session follows the lecture or presentations.

Each student is to complete three experiments during the course.
Students perform labs in pairs and produce individual lab reports in the style of journal articles.

Evaluation Method

The statistics portion of the course will conclude problem sets covering basic statistical data analysis. Students will perform three experiments during the course -- for each lab the student will give a 5-minute presentation, and write a lab report in the style of a journal article. Grades are based on the demonstrated understanding of the physics being studied, technical communication technique, correct quantitative data analysis.

Class Materials (Required)

One firmly bound notebook to keep daily records work in the laboratory. No Required Textbook.

Class Materials (Suggested)

Statistical Data Analysis by- Glen Cowan, Oxford Press, ISBN: 978-0198501558
Previous Editions: Yes, any edition is fine
Online: Yes
Price: $44.04-$130.00

Class Attributes

Advanced Expression