Quantum Field Theory (428-2-1)
John Joseph Carrasco
Meeting Info
Technological Institute L170: Mon, Wed 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
Spin-half relativistic Quantum Field Theory focusing on topics selected from the following: Representations of the Lorentz group, spinors and canonical quantization, CPT conservation, fermionic propagator, fermonic path integrals, gamma matrices, and Yukawa theory.
Registration Requirements
Teaching Method
Two lectures per week
Evaluation Method
Homework Assignments, Take-home Final
Class Materials (Required)
Class Materials (Suggested)
1] Mark Srednicki's QFT textbook,
PDF of draft sufficient: https://web.physics.ucsb.edu/~mark/qft.html
2] Warren Seigel's FIELDS textbook,
(Only available online:
3] Riccardo Rattazzi's introductory QFT Lecture notes:
4] David Tong's introductory QFT notes:
5] Michael Luke's take on Sidney Coleman's lecture notes:
Other Recommended Textbooks:
i] Quantum Field Theory Vols I - III, by Weinberg
ii] An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory, by Peskin and Shroeder
iii] An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory, by Horatiu Nastase
iv] Quantum Field Theory (from basics to modern topics), by Fançois Gellis