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General Physics (135-2-01)


Deborah Brown
Dearborn (2131 Tech Drive) room 10

Meeting Info

Technological Institute L211: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00AM - 9:50AM

Overview of class

This is the second quarter of a three-quarter sequence in calculus-based physics that is intended for science and engineering majors and premedical students. 135-2 deals with electric and magnetic phenomena. Specific topics include: Static electric fields, static magnetic fields, DC and AC circuits, time-dependent electric and magnetic fields, Maxwell's equations.

Registration Requirements

Pre-Requisite: Students must have taken Physics 135-1 OR Physics 125-1 OR Physics 140-1 OR [Gen_Eng
205-2 AND 205-3] OR [Gen_Eng 206-2 AND 206-3] to register for this class.

Math Pre-Requisites: Math 220-1,2 & Math 230-1 or equivalent.

Co-Requisite: Students must also register for Physics 136-2.
Add both classes to the shopping cart and submit together for successful registration.

Teaching Method

Three lectures per week. Weekly study group option.

Evaluation Method

Weekly quizzes, two midterm exams, comprehensive final exam, class participation

Class Materials (Required)

Physics 135-2 Problem Manual - by D. Brown (2024, Stipes Publishing)
Cost: $20 to $30 new (2023 & 2022 versions discounted at Norris)

Fundamentals of Physics (12e or 10e; extended version) by Halliday, Resnick, & Walker (Wiley)
Cost: starting at $50 for E-Book rental

Class Notes

Pre-Requisite: Students must have taken Physics 135-1 OR Physics 125-1 OR Physics 140-1 OR [Gen_Eng
205-2 AND 205-3] OR [Gen_Eng 206-2 AND 206-3] to register for this class.

Math Pre-Requisites: Math 220-1,2 & Math 230-1 or equivalent.

Co-Requisite: Students must also register for Physics 136-2.
Add both classes to the shopping cart and submit together for successful registration.

Class Attributes

Natural Sciences Foundational Discipline
Natural Sciences Distro Area

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Pre-Req: Students must have taken Physics 135-1 OR Physics 125-1 OR Physics 140-1 OR [Gen_Eng 205-2 AND 205-3] OR [Gen_Eng 206-2 AND 206-3] to register for this class. Co-Requisite: Students must also register for Physics 136-2. Add both classes to the shopping cart and submit together for successful registration.

Associated Classes

DIS - Annenberg Hall G21: Thurs 9:00AM - 9:50AM

DIS - Technological Institute L361: Thurs 9:00AM - 9:50AM