Seminar in Critical Race Theory (467-0-20)
The Metaphysics of Race
Corey Barnes
Meeting Info
Kresge 3438 Philosophy Sem. Rm: Tues 1:00PM - 3:50PM
Overview of class
The Metaphysics of Race
This graduate seminar provides a survey of philosophical explorations into the nature and normativity of race. In it students engage the main theoretical questions: What, if anything, do we mean when we say "race"?; Is there a concept of race that undergirds different conceptions of race?; Do races exist, and what are races if they do exist? Students also engage the main practical questions: What ought we to do with race? Is it moral to believe that humans are divided into races? Should we engage in the metaphysics of race, and if so, then should our engagements serve the elimination of racism?
Learning Objectives
Identify and define issues within the metaphysics and normativity of race, analyzing them critically and systematically by asking relevant questions, examining different sides of these issues, evaluating arguments, and using the language and techniques of formal logic to articulate and assess argumentation where appropriate. Construct clear, rigorous arguments from a well-formulated thesis.
Class Materials (Required)
All class materials will be available on Canvas at NO cost to the student.
Class Materials (Suggested)
What is Race? Four Philosophical Views. Joshua Glasgow, Sally Haslanger, Chike Jeffers, and Quayshawn Spencer. ISBN: 978-0190610180
Class Notes
Final paper
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Registration is reserved for Philosophy PhD Graduate Students