Elementary Logic II (250-0-20)
Sean Ebels Duggan
Kresge 3-443
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 2-410: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
This second course in logic explores ways to extend and vary the systems developed in Phil 150. In 150, truth-functional logic assumed every sentence is either true or false but not both. What if, however, there were a third truth value? Or what if sentences could be both true and false at the same time, or neither? These might be helpful in dealing with cases involving vague properties, like "tall". We then go further to explore how to address sentences like "Lincoln could have been Canadian" and "Had Lincoln been Canadian, there wouldn't be computers.
Registration Requirements
PHIL 150 or consent of the instructor. Students who have taken MATH 300 or CS 212 are encouraged to inquire.
Learning Objectives
Facility with extended logical methods, but for deductions and interpretations. Understanding the philosophical applications and issues associated with each method.
Class Notes
Final exam in class
Class Attributes
Empirical and Deductive Reasoning Foundational Dis
Formal Studies Distro Area
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisite: Students must have completed Philosophy 150 in order to enroll in this class.
Associated Classes
DIS - Kresge Centennial Hall 2-410: Fri 11:00AM - 11:50AM
DIS - Kresge Centennial Hall 2-415: Fri 2:00PM - 2:50PM