Topics in Neuroscience (390-0-27)
Neuroscience in the News
Valerie Kilman
Hogan 2-160
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 2-415: Mon, Wed, Fri 3:00PM - 3:50PM
Overview of class
Neuroscience has long captured the public imagination. Soon you will be applying to graduate or medical school, or for jobs as a scientist. and yet you are not always sure about Neuroscience as reported in the news. We will learn about "great experiments" that have helped move the field forward, and some famous controversies that have done the opposite. We will address cutting-edge topics that are capturing headlines now, and we will make room for topics chosen by the vote in the class. Some lectures will introduce new material, followed by activities to help us understand, evaluate, and form an opinion about these topics. These will include discussion of readings from both public news sources and scientific literature. Small group and individual exercises will aim to develop your voice to talk about science. Students will submit short written summaries of professional scientific literature and evaluations of related science for the public. A medium-length argumentative paper will give students the opportunity to develop and articulate their opinion about an example of neuroscience gone wrong. Finally, support will be provided to develop oral presentations, aimed first at science colleagues, and next to the lay public, about a neuroscience topic currently in the news. Walk into that interview, or your family holiday, with mastery over the material, a well-formed opinion, and maybe even a proposal for a solution.
Registration Requirements
Prerequisite NEUROSCI 202-0 or NEUROSCI 311-0 or BIOL_SCI 302 or permission
Learning Objectives
1. Learn about cutting-edge and historical neuroscience in the news, including many high points, a few unresolved controversies, and current news topics.
2. Practice evaluation, skeptical reading, and forming an opinion about science in the public eye.
3. Improve their communication of science to the general public and to other scientifically literate citizens.
Class Materials (Required)
Publicly available or through Northwestern libraries
Class Materials (Suggested)
Class Notes
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Student must have completed NEUROSCI 202-0, or NEUROSCI 311-0, or BIOL_SCI 302-0.