Advanced Neurophysiology Laboratory (350-0-60)
Daniel Dombeck
Pancoe 2409
Meeting Info
Hogan 2-112 Cell/Tissue Cultur: Thurs 12:00PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
In this laboratory course you will perform electrophysiological experiments in which signals from living neurons (action potentials, local field potentials, post synaptic potentials) are recorded using amplifiers and data logging equipment commonly found in advanced research labs around the world. You will learn to analyze and interpret the signals that you record and learn to use chemical compounds to alter neural activity. The experience of this class will help you appreciate the complexity of the brain and will help neuroscience textbook material that you have covered in other classes come to life.
Prerequisites: : NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or NEUROSCI 311-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; OR BIOL_SCI 302-0; AND consent of instructor. You will need to contact Dr. Dombeck by email listing your preregistration and registration times and request to be placed into this class. Permission numbers requested must be used during preregistration. Permission number requests submitted prior to November 3rd will not be considered.
You will need to contact Dr. Dombeck by email and request to be placed into this class.
Registration Requirements
Once Dr. Dombeck has approved you for a permission number, students must obtain a permission number from the department. Dr. Dombeck will notify the program assistant who will then issue you a permission number. Permission numbers requested must be used during preregistration. Permission number requests submitted prior to November 3rd will not be considered.
Prerequisites: NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0.
You must send an email to Dr. Dombeck requesting to be placed into this class.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Use a patch clamp amplifier, stimulating amplifier and pClamp software (the most common software found in electrophysiology laboratories around the world) for recording and stimulating from neural systems.
2. Independently set up neural recordings and perform electrophysiology experiments.
3. Analyze neural recording data using computer software (Clampfit).
4. Design experiments and collect data guided by statistical principles such that a specific hypothesis can be accepted or rejected with statistical confidence.
5. Effectively communicate experimental methods and results to a group of peers.
Teaching Method
Evaluation Method
100 points total
7 lab reports x 10 points each 70 points
Class participation 10 points
Lab Practical 20 points
No final exam during finals week.
Class Materials (Required)
Class Materials (Suggested)
Class Notes
You will need to contact Dr. Dombeck at listing your preregistration and registration times and request to be placed into this class. Permission numbers requested must be used during preregistration. Permission number requests submitted prior to November 3rd will not be considered.