Psychology and the Law (350-0-1)
Sara C Broaders
Swift 243, 2029 Sheridan Road
Sara Broaders is a Professor of Instruction in the Department of Psychology at Northwestern. She received her PhD in Developmental Psychology and Mental Health Research from the University of Chicago. Her interests within psychology are diverse and she teaches a wide range of courses including Introduction to Psychology, Developmental Psych, Cognitive Psych, Psychopathology, and seminar classes on topics such as Psych of Food, Psych and Law, and Psychology and “Weird” Beliefs.
Meeting Info
Swift Hall 210: Thurs 3:30PM - 6:20PM
Overview of class
This course will examine the complex issues involved in applying the science of psychology to the field of law. Among the topics we will cover:
• How psychological research can apply to policies and practices in the legal system
• Expert testimony
• Methods, uses, and limitations of forensic assessment
• Determination of legal competence
• The insanity defense
• Syndromes (Battered Women's Syndrome/Rape Trauma Syndrome) in the legal arena
• Criminal profiling types, methods, and limitations
• Eyewitness testimony and other memory issues
• Interrogation and confessions
• Jury selection and decision making
• Prisons and death penalty
Also taught as Psych 340.
Registration Requirements
Psychology 110
Teaching Method
Primarily discussion supplemented with videos/documentaries and some brief lectures. This is a reading-intensive course.
Evaluation Method
Quizzes; Weekly critical thought papers; A final project/paper; Class participation
Class Materials (Required)
1. Costanzo, M., & Krauss, D. (2021). Forensic and legal psychology: Psychological science applied to law, 4th edition. New York: Worth Publishers. ISBN: 9781319244880. (The third edition of the textbook is also acceptable.)
2. Ewing, C.P., & McCann, J.T. (2006). Minds on trial: Great cases in law and psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780195181760
3. The class will also use a variety of reading materials from other sources, which will be available on the Canvas course management system.
Class Attributes
Ethical and Evaluative Thinking Foundational Disci
Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
Ethics & Values Distro Area
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisite: Students must have taken Psych 110-0.