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Topics in Israel Studies (280-4-2)


The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict- Competing Narrat


Maayan Hilel
Crowe Hall, 5-155
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30 – 5:00
Dr. Maayan Hilel is an Assistant Professor of Instruction in Jewish & Israel Studies, and Assistant Director of the Crown Family Center for Jewish and Israel Studies at Northwestern University. She is a historian of the modern Middle East specializing in the cultural and social history of Palestine / the Land of Israel.

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 214: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world's most complicated and vexing conflicts. It has fascinated and puzzled scholars, politicians, and the broader public, creating the impression that everyone has an opinion about it. This course explores its roots, its major historical milestones, and the different narratives of the conflict, viewed from the perspective of Palestinians and Israelis. The approach of the course is historical, so emphasis will be placed on understanding the shifting historical local and international contexts in which the conflict has evolved, and the ways it has been interpreted and remembered by both Israelis and Palestinians. The course will combine not only academic writing but also literature, film, posters, and documentaries. Students will engage in historiographical debates as well as in the analyses of primary sources.

Registration Requirements


Learning Objectives

-To acquire an in-depth understanding of the conflict's opposing historical narratives.
-To shape informed and critical opinion upon a contested historical period.
-To be able to separate myth from fact as often represented in public media.
-To demonstrate comprehension of global diversity as expressed in two different languages, cultures, religions, political systems, or societies.
-To demonstrate an ability to interpret primary source materials (textual, visual, or aural) using interpretive skills by situating them in their historical and cultural context.
-Develop writing, collaboration, and interpersonal communication skills.

Evaluation Method

Class participation: 20%
Discussion Posts: 15% (7 in total)
Mid-term Essay: 25%
Final project: 40% (presentation & podcast)

Class Materials (Required)

Materials will be provided by instructor.

Class Attributes

Historical Studies Foundational Discipline
Historical Studies Distro Area