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Special Topics in Energy and Sustainability (495-0-21)


Communicating Science Beyond Academia


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Technological Institute F394/F395
Office Hours:

Meeting Info

Technological Institute F391: Fri 11:00AM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

Topic: Communicating Science Beyond Academia.

Through reading, discussion, in-class practice, writing, and peer critique, this course will explore strategies for successful scientific communication beyond academia. How can scientists break through barriers to understanding and foster engagement with scientific information, while still conveying nuance and uncertainty? What happens when science becomes politicized and controversial? This seminar is open to graduate students in all STEM disciplines, with preference to students who have begun to conduct independent research

Registration Requirements

This course is open to Graduate students ONLY.

Class Materials (Required)

Most readings will be made available for free via Canvas. One book is required: Writing Science in Plain English by Anne E. Greene. U of Chicago Press 2013.ISBN: 9780226026374 (paperback). Book can be purchased for $15-20 or rented for <$10.