Gender, Sexuality, and Representation (231-0-1)
We're Here, We're Queer: Queer Narratives in Israe
Guy Ehrlich
Crowe, 5-167
Office Hours: Wednesday 1:00 - 2:00
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 3-410: Mon, Wed 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
The corpus of Hebrew prose works and Israeli cultural representations that focus on LGBT characters and queer life stories is on the rise. Such texts and films are no longer inherently considered completely marginal, despite not yet being a major part of the Israeli culture and the literary canon. This course presents a broad examination of LGBT/queer Hebrew literature and culture. Throughout the course, we will explore Hebrew prose works and Israeli films that engage with LGBT/queer identities and topics, and examine questions and themes, such as "coming out of the closet," "queer identity," "the lesbian continuum," "heteronormativity/ homonormativity," and the queer notion of "no future." The literary texts will be accompanied by relevant theoretical texts. No previous knowledge of Hebrew, Israel, or Judaism is required! All the Hebrew texts will be read in translation, and all the films will be accompanied by English subtitles.
Class Attributes
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area