Sociology of Gender and Sexuality (331-0-20)
Rebecca Ewert
Meeting Info
Kresge Centennial Hall 2-415: Mon, Wed 12:30PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
This course is an opportunity for students to critically examine what is often a taken-for-granted aspect of social life: gender. This course will involve learning about gender as well as applying gender theory. We will study a variety of theoretical approaches to the study of gender, with particular focus on how problems are identified and theories are developed. We will spend time examining several emergent cases of gender theorization -- childhood gender and sexuality panics, bathroom surveillance, and the intersex experience, among others. By the end of the term, students will be able to 1) describe and compare theoretical anchors for the study of gender and 2) in writing, apply gender theory to original ethnographic data. Prior course experience in gender studies (by way of taking Gender & Society or other course work) is strongly advised.
Class Attributes
Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area