Special Topics in Global Health (390-0-27)
Infectious Disease Eradication & Outbreak Control
Sokhieng Au
Meeting Info
University Hall 118: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
Despite many efforts across several diseases spanning decades and billions of dollars, global health actors have only been able to eradicate one infectious human disease: smallpox. Why? This course will attempt to answer this question by examining several failed and continuing disease eradication efforts through a multidisciplinary lens. Case studies will include smallpox, malaria, polio, measles, and hypothetical emerging infectious diseases. We will examine the grandiose global health goal of total disease eradication in relation to sociopolitical realities that limit the applications of idealized technological interventions.
Class Materials (Required)
All required materials will be available on Canvas.
Class Attributes
No Freshmen
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Freshmen may not register for this course.